
Miracles of Magnesium Citrate

For about a year and a half now, I have discovered the miracles of magnesium citrate.  At first I didn't realize just how important magnesium is to the body, yet I know how I and my plants have benefited from the magnesium in Epsom Salts.  After having an opportunity to review magnesium citrate, I got to experience first hand all the benefits it can do for me.  When I ran out, I went searching online for the best magnesium citrate I could find, as well as the best value.

According to Natural News, the best form of magnesium is magnesium citrate. It is not only inexpensive but easily absorbed.  They also recommended Bulk Supplements as having one of the purest forms of herbs offered. I ordered my next supply of magnesium citrate from them.  They shipped quickly and this was very affordable.  Best of all, it works.  

Their supplement does not have a taste, unlike my first experience with magnesium citrate which had a citric acid type flavor.  I didn't mind drinking it mixed in water, but since the product from Bulk Supplements does not have any flavor, I find it best to mix it in something.  I've tried cereal, yogurt, applesauce, main dishes, soup, etc.  I prefer yogurt and applesauce best.  

I find that between 1/2 to 1 teaspoon daily is sufficient for me to take.  I base the amount on how much my restless legs respond.  I do have restless leg syndrome and magnesium citrate has been the best thing to quiet them down. I also find when I have a hard time sleeping at night, I need to up my dose of magnesium.  One other thing I know when I need to take more, is when I have a hard time swallowing.  Often times while eating, I can have a bite of food in my mouth, and my throat won't allow me to swallow the chewed food for up to 30 seconds or more.  This is caused by magnesium deficiency.

Many times I find that within 15-30 minutes of taking my magnesium I notice results.  I usually take it with my dinner meal, even though that's about 6 hours before I head off to bed.  I still feel the results of the magnesium helping my legs to quiet down and my sleep is so much more improved.

My mother-in-law swears by magnesium in keeping her bowels regulated, and helping her to absorb the calcium tablets she needs after having gone through cancer treatments.  I've seen a dramatic improvement in stress relief from both myself and husband as we are enduring a difficult trial right now.  It has been said to think of magnesium as the relaxation mineral.  Anything that is tight, irritable, crampy and stiff, including body part or mood, is a sign of magnesium deficiency.

You can read here the various symptoms that indicate you are magnesium deficient.  However, I caution you to be sure to order your purest form of the most easily absorbable form of magnesium from Bulk Supplements.


Awesome Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser

Ultrasonic aromatherapy essential oil diffusers are one of the best to have to ensure the integrity of the essential oil.  Holan uses this technology with their diffuser.  It is a healthy and safe alternative to synthetic room fresheners and scented candles.

Holan's essential oil diffuser has a whisper-quiet ultrasonic operation making this diffuser a great option for use in a workspace, nursery, kids rooms, etc.  It is ideal for meditation allows for tranquil overnight use in the bedroom.  There is no need to worry about letting it run all night long.  Holds 1/2 cup water and will run approximately 6 continuous hours, with an automatic shut-off when water has completely evaporated. Therefore relieving any fears of burning out, ensuring safety, and peace of mind.
The calming mist fills the air with cool yet strong streams of vapor topped with soft swirls to help relieve dry skin, sore throats, and providing a soothing environment in bedroom or workspace.  This diffuser has the option of having 30 second intervals of mist, or continuous mist mode.  Very portable allowing you to move it from room to room with ease, or take it with you on travel, or workouts.

Strong streams of vapor
 topped with soft swirls
Has 7 mood-enhancing lights that can either rotate or you can select which color to keep it on.  Great as a night light.  Uses LED lights that emits a soft and warm glow.

Red light indicates
Continuous Mist Mode
Now that  you have all the basics about this wonderful eo diffuser, I just have to say that I love these kinds...the ultrasonic diffusers.  I especially like the fact that I don't have to use distilled water, I can use tap water.  Although, I admit, I prefer using the filtered water from my fridge.  We just have extremely hard water where we live, so I try to keep those minerals out of my diffuser to cause any build up.
Ultrasonic aromatherapy Technology

The one thing I have noticed, is though they recommend just a few drops of essential oil to place in this diffuser, I find that the scent doesn't usually last very long.  I find that I like stronger smells and will usually double the amount of essential oils that I place in this diffuser.  I have also tried aromatherapy oils with great success.

I also like the lights on this particular model.  I have others where the lights are fairly dim, and even though these provide a soft mood-enhancing lighting, I also think they are more vibrant, yet not so bright as to disturb my sleep.  Of course, the vibrancy of the lighting is directly impacted by the amount of light already in the room.

Healthy and Safe Alternative
to synthetic room fresheners
The mist that shoots straight up for several inches then swirls at the top is fun.  I would caution you to be ware of what it above the diffuser when you turn it on.  For instance, I started this in my kitchen after forgetting to add water to my steamed veggies, and burned the pan.  I placed this next to the stove and turned it on, but had to quickly move it when I saw the mist reaching up to the underside of my cabinets. There may not have been any worries, but I didn't want to take any chances.

All in all I really like this diffuser.  It works great.  It shuts off automatically just like it says when the water runs dry. The colored lights are way fun.  It's super easy to change out the fragrances and my house smells wonderful.  This is a great product that I recommend.

I did receive this product for free in exchange for my honest opinion.